Day of Judgment〈審判日〉  
作者:Jack Higgins  
出版日期:2011 / 04 / 29  
ISBN : 9780007290406  
原價:NT 330元  
售價:NT 265 元 特價:NT 165元  


A classic thriller from Jack Higgins, the undisputed master of adrenalin packed adventure and the bestselling author of 'The Eagle has Landed' It's 1963 and the eve of John F.Kennedy's historic visit to Berlin. Locked away inside the impregnable fortress of Schloss Neustadt, Father Sean Conlin, survivor of Dachau and lifelong champion of human freedom is fighting to deny his jailers their ultimate goal. On this momentus day, when the whole world is watching they must make him admit to being a CIA hireling. But the West is determined to save him, and gambling with their lives a small band of men begin a daring rescue mission that could change the course of history.

時間定格在1936年,約翰·甘迺迪拜訪柏林的前夜。 作為人類自由的代言人,肖恩·肯林神父將畢生的精力都放在追求人類自由的運動中,他曾進過納粹的達豪集中營,目前被關押在德國境內的一個固若金湯的堡壘中。即使如此,他依然戰鬥著,不肯屈服於敵人的淫威。 這一天,當人們認為肖恩會被迫承認自己曾受雇于中央情報局時, 西方國家決定營救他,遂派出一隻救援小分隊,隊員誓死救出肖恩神父.............。


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